Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Concert in Brent, AL -- September 11, Sunday, 10:45 AM

I'll be playing a concert for the Brent, AL Bible Methodist Church on Sunday morning, September 11, at 10:45 am.  The pastor & his wife, John & Brenda Bartolomeo, are my long-time friends. 

Brenda is an incredibly gifted violinist & will be playing a few songs with me.  Some of you may have attended a Christmas concert in the past when Brenda & I were doing some duet concerts.  It will be great to meet new friends in Brent & be with my friend, Brenda, again.

The church address is 210 4th Street, Brent, AL  If you need further directions, you can call the parsonage phone: 205-926-7635.