Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Order now...NEW CDs shipping in 2 weeks!!

My friend, Brenda Bartolomeo (Bart), & I are happy to announce that both of our new CDs..."In the Garden" (hymns) & "A Song in the Air" (Christmas)...will be available in 2 weeks!

Please place your orders now...via email [ zinkkez@hotmail.com (Kathy) & brenda-bart@juno.com (Brenda) ] or a message to our Facebook accounts [Kathy Shields Zink & Brenda Bartolomeo].  We will ship your orders as soon as the CDs arrive.

To order:
1) Write your name [or others' names if you want CDs sent to someone else].
2) Write your mailing address.
3) State which CD you wish to purchase & the amounts of each.

1 CD/$10
3 CDs/$25
10+ CDs/ask for special pricing.

SHIPPING & HANDLING/$3 up (depending on quantity)